Thursday, May 28, 2009

Theme Thursday - Suitcase

Believe it or not, that's my one and only suitcase. I tend to travel light. I also have a backpack and a shoulder bag (that's where my camera lives when I'm not aiming it at something). But no souvenir stickers and besides my personal ID tag there's just one old Greyhound tag. Nothing fancy, just a soft-sided suitcase I bought at a job lot store. For the way I travel, that's almost too much carrying weight!

However, this guy travels a lot, and he not only has more than one suitcase, he also has to drag around a lot of musical and electronic equipment. I'm talking about my favorite electronic musician (after Wendy Carlos), Thomas Dolby. Back in '06 he did a series of podcasts talking about where his music had come to currently. This one is his song "I Live In A Suitcase", just perfect for this week's theme!

Photo & text © 2009 by A. Roy Hilbinger


  1. I visit often, comment rarely but your photography leaves me in awe. You even make a bashed up old suitcase look good *off to twiddle with Canon knobs*.

  2. yes you do make a well used suitcase look good...can you do the same for me?

    thanks for all the great leads on the musicians I have never heard of and reminding us of how great the ones we love are.

  3. You're right! PERFECT song for TT! Great shot of your suitcase, too.

  4. Great pairing, Roy. Happy travels.

  5. Is he still blind due to science? ;)

  6. That is a fine "man case" frills and practical, probably doesn't talk too much either. I am intrigued by the creative process so thoroughly enjoyed seeing how Thomas Dolby was struck with this melody.

  7. I had one like that then changed it out for the standards black one that rolls.

    I too carry a backpack for laptop and camera and such.

  8. Always somrthing interesting over here, when I take the time to visit. Always did like like T.D.'s sound. Not too many one-man shows like his! Great post and theme tie-in :)

  9. Thanks so much for dropping by, everybody! And please excuse me for not being out doing the rounds on this Thursday. I'm having to deal with chronic pain issues this week - two crooked cervical discs that occasionally flare up and make my left arm (and I'm left-handed) painful and difficult to use decided to flare up in the course of the past weekend and seem to be at a peak today. It'll die down by next week, but in the meantime my typing & sitting at the computer is limited.

  10. Oh, dear. Sorry to hear about your pain issues, Roy. I did enjoy your post. I don't think I would ever have a suitcase without wheels again. You didn't hurt your neck carrying that case, did you? :>/

  11. I have no idea why I have so many suitcases myself.

  12. lucky you - wish i could pack that light!

  13. Roy, ouch! As a lefty myself, I feel the pain. Only more muscle spasms than anything. Doesn't last long but can't do a thing when it flares up. Wishing you speedy recovery :)

  14. One more lefty wishing you a speedy recovery.

    And thanks to "A Clockwork Orange," I was a fan of Wendy Carlos when she was Walter!

  15. Ooh I am a lefty myself - and so is Baino!

    Hope your pain goes away soon and thanks for the video.

  16. At any one time I have just one bag I rely on, and prefer to travel light as well, with camera resting in a sling bag to avoid attracting attention when out on the street photographing.

  17. and a very comfortable suitcase it is...thanks for the accompanying tune - tsuki, my cat, wants to adopt it as his theme song...
