Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Dogwoods Deluxe

I had to pick up a refill at CVS, and I took the camera along to see what was going on today along King St. I couldn't really take any time with it because there was a front line with heavy rain, strong winds, and the possibility of at least hail, if not lightning and thunder as well, heading for the area, and I wanted to be back home before that hit. Well, that didn't happen; I got caught in a downpour with high wind on the way home. I had my umbrella with me, and I aimed it at the wind and hung on for dear life, but I got soaked from the knees down. Oh well...

Meanwhile, what got my attention on the way down was how my favorite Spring-blooming tree, the Dogwood, was blooming all through town. I got the first two shots on the way to the store, and I got the last one on the way home, after the rain had moved off. It was worth getting wet to get these shots!

The Dogwood in front of Christ Methodist
The garden next to Widow Piper's Tavern, an historical site from the colonial era
The McLean House guest house on the banks of Branch Creek, with Dogwood
© 2020 by A. Roy Hilbinger


  1. For nearly 30 years I have wanted to have a pink dogwood. Somehow they were always too expensive or they just weren't available and I never got around to purchasing more planting one. I still love them. And I still pine for them.

    1. There's just something about Dogwoods, isn't there. They sort of look Japanese, like bonsai allowed to grow full size, with the branches spread out and twisting and the flowers balanced delicately on the end of their twigs. Those and van Gogh's Almond tree paintings, which look similar to Dogwoods.
