If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know I got a new camera towards the end of last year. Besides the fantastic Leica lens, it can also shoot in RAW, a way to save basic photo data in a way that's even closer to creating a "negative" than ever before in digital photography, and processing the pictures from that digital negative is even more like working in the darkroom. But I didn't have the software to deal with RAW files, until recently; my sister-in-law loaned me her Adobe CS6 install disc, and now I'm working in Photoshop again. And what's even better, it processes RAW files. Even though I've had the software for almost two months, I haven't had the time to learn to deal with the RAW plugin until now. So today's photo safari was shot in RAW and processed in Photoshop accordingly. And the photos below are the result.
Bush Honeysuckle along the Dykeman Walking Trail |
Tree Fungus in the Dykeman wetland woods |
A mossy rock and twisty roots by the Dykeman park creek |
Mama Goose is still sitting on that nest; it's been over a month now and I suspect those eggs aren't gonna hatch |
Lilac by the north duck pond |
A Dandelion puffball by the north duck pond |
A male Goldfinch in the wetland woods |
A Catbird along the nature trail |
Stork's Bill flowers along the nature trail |
© 2020 by A. Roy Hilbinger
The photographs are quite amazing!! Your photographs are always wonderful, but the technical perfection here is really outstanding.