Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Simplicity/Complexity and Water

"Complexity is the prodigy of the world. Simplicity is the sensation of the universe. Behind complexity, there is always simplicity to be revealed. Inside simplicity, there is always complexity to be discovered." - Gang Yu

I got up this morning wondering what I was going to do today. I'd already determined that I was going to wander down to the Dykeman Wetlands and Nature Trail and shoot in black and white. Part of my morning computer routine is to open a dashboard widget called "Maya Cards", which gives you a quotation. The above was today's. I also have a dashboard widget version of Brian Eno's Oblique Strategies, a collection of commands or phrases meant to point you in a new direction when stuck in any creative endeavor. This morning's Oblique Strategy said "water". The following photographs were inspired by that confluence of ideas.

And I found a piece of music which emphasizes both the simplicity/complexity dichotomy and water: hammered dulcimer performer Malcolm Dalglish's "Swimming Rocks" from his 1985 album Jogging the Memory. Enjoy!

Photos © 2012 by A. Roy Hilbinger


  1. ...really enjoyed this post, Roy...the quote, the photos and the music.

  2. Some really good shots, Roy. I too love to follow where chance or randomness sends me. I sometimes think that randomness is the only way we can appreciate this complex world we live in.

  3. The quote by Gang Yu is really amazing--much to meditate on there. I like the shots all very well, but the shot of the water over the rocks is just fantastic--really, really like that. Nice music, too!
