Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Details, Details

I got fascinated by some architectural details on a walk down King St. this morning. The first three shots are of details on a 19th Century gazebo built over a now-dry spring, including one of the cast concrete benches on the brick path around the gazebo.

A little farther down the street was a brick building with a carved wooden faience and doorway that caught my eye.

© 2011 by A. Roy Hilbinger


  1. Lovely. And the sun with shadows just makes the detailing pop!

  2. ...I want to see the gazebo in springtime. It's gorgeous...

  3. I share your love of such embellishments Roy, stark and dramatic lines are all right in their place, but the occasional completely unnecessary flourish makes life that little but more worth living.

  4. These are lovely - and all the better for being in black and white.
    Really like the light and shade in that first photo (glad you got some sun!)
