Saturday, June 20, 2009


Well my goodness! Colette Amelia at The whole ball of wax in a nutshell has bestowed an award on me - the "I Love This Blog" award. I'm flabbergasted, flustered, gobsmacked, speechless... Apparently this award is something like the Oscars of the blogosphere, an award for merit voted by your peers.

There are, of course, rules to accepting these awards, as is usual. For this award they are:

1) Grab the Award and link love the person from whom you got the award.

2) Pass the award to different bloggers who you think are deserving of this award.

3) Write a post about the award and there you’ll link the person who gave the award to you and those people who you’d like to pass the award.

4) Continue your passion in writing because your hard work will always be appreciated.

Thank goodness this one doesn't make you pass it on to 10 people as some do. It's easier, and more meaningful, to pass it on to a treasured few. Here are mine:

Mouse (aka Kimy) @ mouse medicine, a fellow photographer who has an uncanny ability to match words with images.

K. @ Citizen K, political commentator extraordinaire, lover of all things NOLA, fellow lover of the best in music, and especially fellow Red Sox diehard fanatic (Swing, Big Papi, swing!).

Stephanie @ Rocket Scientist, an old friend from who also has two most excellent Blogger blogs (the other is Ask Me Anything) who really is a rocket scientist. She's also a science fiction/fantasy author, a lover of cats, and the mother of the adorable Roxie.

Willow @ Life at Willow Manor, who posts contemplative pastiches on life in an old, old stone house and whose meditative style is much like Colette's.

Kelly @ Red and the Peanut, a fellow birder and photographer who manages to capture the personalities of her subjects so well, and who is so good at seeking out and finding the birds who are the hardest to find.

There are others who I read on a regular basis, and I don't want them to feel left out. It's just that these blogs have the most depth in their content and seeing them in my feed lets me know that I'm in for a treat. Congratulations folks, you really deserve this award!


  1. Congrats to you, Roy. Amd I'm honored, to say the least. And Go Sox!

  2. Congratulations to you Roy! Your posts are always so interesting, or maybe historical, or perhaps musical...and I can't forget fun. I never know what I will find when i come to your site, but I know it will be wonderful--so your award is much deserved. Thank you so much for passing it on to me! You are so kind in your description too!! Thanks, again!

  3. I am very honored, especially considering the incredible company I am in!

    thank you, merci, gracias, grazie, dakujem, danke, arigato and however you say thank you in the rest of the world!!

    congratulations to you and everyone you bestowed the award to!

  4. Wow, Roy! I am very flattered and honored. Thank you for your kind words, as well. :^)
