Monday, June 03, 2019

A Beautiful Day

Saturday was the meteorological first day of Summer, but today felt more like mid Spring; after warmer, humid air and much more rain over the weekend, last night a cold front passed through the area and we were blessed by drier, cooler air and a prefect day for walking. The cooler air and the breeze had the bugs at bay as well, so today's walk in the park was perfect.

The good weather also had Wade out starting the June haying up on the meadow. He's not happy; for a good haying you need three dry, sunny days - one for cutting, one for drying, and one for baling. We haven't gotten such a three-day stretch yet. We aren't due for more rain until later Wednesday, so he's hoping to be able to get at least the eastern third of the meadow done before the rains move in. We had a long discussion about global climate change (which Wade, unlike the other farmers in the area, believes is real and it has him scared) and the effect it's having on farming in this area. He's seriously thinking it might be time for him to retire. I can't blame him!

Daisy Fleabane in the wetland
Crown Vetch by the north duck pond
An Eastern Kingbird perched in a tree by the north duck pond
The meadow grass is high and thick; time for haying!
Flowers in the meadow
Looking across the meadow
This Yellow Hawkweed waved goodbye to me as I left the meadow at the eastern end
© 2019 by A. Roy Hilbinger 

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