Thursday, June 11, 2015

Trying To Stay Cool

Today we went back to hot, humid, and hazy Summer weather. I had been planning to take a nice hike today to visit Conodoguinet Creek and come back into town via Middle Spring Creek. But by 9:00 it was already hazy and I figured today wasn't a good day for a long hike. But I need to be outdoors, no matter how hot, and I really don't like air conditioning unless I absolutely have to use it, so I headed over to the shade of the Dykeman Spring Nature Park and the cooling waters of the creek and the duck ponds there. And of course I took the camera with me. Enjoy!

A view of the creek from the red bridge. The flash flooding from Monday's storm knocked away those logs/branches, which used to form a dam across the creek there
Ratty's pool, on the creek beside the nature trail. I always associate this spot with Water Rat and his home in "The Wind in the Willows"
Sedges beside the north duck pond
The red bridge over the creek
The Day Lilies are starting to bloom along the nature trail in the park
An old trestle left over from the days when the railroad came through on what's now the Dykeman Walking Trail
Yellow Wood Sorrel with a tiny visitor on the Dykeman Walking Trail
The "bridges" over the creek, between the ball fields
© 2015 by A. Roy Hilbinger 

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