Monday, March 04, 2019

Hmmmmm... I May Have Spoken Too Soon!

“I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, 'Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.'”
― Lewis Carroll

Yes, we're into March and it's still snowing. Thursday night and Friday night we got a gentle 3 inches each time, and then last night we got another 6 inches, snowing a little harder this time. It's quite beautiful today, colder with a bright blue sky. Today and tomorrow are my "weekend", so I was lucky enough to be able to get out and enjoy it this morning, going for a walk in the Dykeman Spring Nature Park, and I brought you back some of that beauty.

Branch Creek at McLean House
Feral cat tracks on the Dykeman Walking Trail
Walking along the Dykeman Walking Trail
A snowy Dykeman wetland
The north duck pond
A copse and its shadow on the snow up on the meadow
The mountains to the north from the meadow
© 2019 by A. Roy Hilbinger


  1. Nice blue sky. Usually your winter shots aren't so colorful.

    1. Heh, heh! Usually I shoot snow while it's still falling. This time it fell while I was at work, and it was nighttime.So this was shot in the bright sunshine of the day after. And let me tell you,it's a lot harder to get a good picture in light this bright, especially with all that bright white reflective snow throwing that light all over the place .

    2. I love how your usual wintry photos look black & white except for that occasional splash of color (like that famous red bench that I love so much)!
