Tuesday, August 06, 2019

A Walk on the Rail Trail

“Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.” — John Muir

I haven't been up on the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail in a while, so I decided to take a short walk up to Duncan Rd. and back today. The weather ended up being the central theme of this photo shoot; when I started out the weather was warm and humid, and the sky was a clear, if a bit hazy, blue, but after a little over an hour the cumulonimbus towers were starting to build up over the mountains to the north, and by the time I'd hit Duncan Rd. and turned back it was getting threatening looking and rumbles of thunder would erupt from time to time. I stayed dry, and it never did rain here, but I suspect Newburg and parts north of the Turnpike got a good storm.

There was also some disappointment in today's walk. There's a farm on Duncan Rd. by the Rail Trail owned by a Mennonite family named Sensenig, and they've always had a little shop in the driveway selling fresh produce and eggs from the farm. Well, it looks like they're not running the stand any more; the sign that was always on the road at the end of the driveway isn't there any more, and the little shed they used as a store looked lamentably empty. I had gone up there mostly to see what I could pick up, and hopefully some fresh peaches. Oh well... I did get some shots of two roosters who were definitely full of themselves, strutting around and crowing and just generally announcing to the world what fine fellows they were. In any case, here are some shots from today's walk on the Rail Trail.

Walking on the Rail Trail
One of the farms along the trail, showing the clouds building up
The cumulonimbus clouds continue to build up over a corn field
Two very conceited, and LOUD, roosters on Sensenig's farm, lords of all they survey
A storm approaches
Heading for home on the Rail Trail
© 2019 by A. Roy Hilbinger

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