Friday, June 29, 2018

It's Summer, Alright!

It's definitely Summer today - temps in the 90s (32º+ C) and high humidity. The sun is blazing down, and my friend Wade is up in the meadow rushing to get the rest of the hay cut and baled before the next period of rain comes. As I wandered through the Dykeman Spring Nature Park I gathered some critter and flower portraits for you to look at. Enjoy!

A young Eastern Cottontail along the nature trail
An Eastern Pondhawk dragonfly in the wetland
A Cabbage White butterfly on some Canada Thistle on the banks of the north duck pond
A Canada Goose posing on the pond
A patch of Deptford Pinks in the meadow
Milkweed blooming on the edge of the meadow
© 2018 by A. Roy Hilbinger 


  1. You have a really good eye... Not just in terms of your photography, but also in how you spot so many of these birds, insects, and other critters to be used as your subjects.

    1. Heh, heh! That may be a result of my nearsightedness; I often have to get up close to see things, and even using the zoom I'm attempting to get closer to get a better view. So I tend to see the world via a macro lens.
