Monday, March 05, 2018


I went for a walk in the Brookside Ave. wetland this morning and noticed the signs of emerging Spring. We've had a lot of wet weather lately as well, and the wetland is finally truly wet again. Remember how dry it was for the last couple of years? Well, now the collection pond is full again and all the network of streamlets is full and flowing. Lots of birds, especially the true harbingers of Spring, the Red-winged Blackbirds. No Tree Swallows yet this year, though. Be that as it may, the wetland is greening and full of life.

One of the streamlets in the wetland, full and flowing
The collection pond is finally full, after 2 years dry
The trees are budding!
A Red-winged Blackbird, the true harbinger of Spring
Courting Turkey Vultures
The Skunk Cabbage is starting to sprout
Crossing the bridge on the way out
© 2018 by A. Roy Hilbinger


  1. All sorts of cool images this time around. Lots of color sneaking in, too!

  2. It lifts my spirits to see this. I have bulbs emerging in my garden tubs but more snow forecast for tonight.
