Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A Visit to the Rail Trail

Today was a repeat of yesterday's gorgeous weather, so I decided to pop up to the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail to see what Spring was up to there. There were lots of birds, especially Woodpeckers, flying around and singing and generally doing things birds do in the Spring. Plus the early wildflowers are blooming and the leaves are popping out on the trees. It was a fine day to be walking, and the sights were worth walking to see. 

An old tree overgrown with vines and Ivy near the entrance to the Rail Trail
Apple blossoms along the trail
There were a lot of White-throated Sparrows foraging on and along the trail
There were also large swaths of Spring Beauty flowers growing along the trail
This male Northern Flicker kept sticking his head out of his nest , yelling at me
This farm along the trail is getting ready to start the season
And now it's time to follow the trail back home to eat lunch
© 2016 by A. Roy Hilbinger 


  1. I haven't seen any woodpeckers yet, but I've heard several in a few different locations.

    1. I saw &/or heard 4 types of Woodpeckers on today's walk - Downy, Hairy, Red-bellied, and Flicker. This place is lousy with them! I've seen Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers (another species of Woodpecker) in the area before, but not today.

  2. Your photos are full of natural spring life. It's really touching.
