Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturday Morning Ramble

I cut through the Dykeman Spring Nature Park on my way to the grocery store this morning. I had the camera set on b&w and ISO 400 and didn't change it, just changing aperture and shutter speed as needed; I was doing an experiment, acting like it was the old, pre-color film days. I took a lot of shots, starting downtown and along the way on the other side of the park, but these three from the park are the only shots that pleased me. Enjoy!

Dykeman Spring wetlands
The creek in the Dykeman Spring Nature Park
Canada Geese on the north pond in the park
© 2014 by A. Roy Hilbinger


  1. Aperture. My photography class is all about aperture this week! :)

    Nice the black and white. It snowed and sleeted here today so I'm sure you'll get some tomorrow!

  2. Nothing tops the allure of good black and white. I especially love the first one... all those tones in the trees draw one in.
