Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Still Here

For some reason I got it into my head that Goldfinches left these parts for the Winter. But I've been seeing more than a few, like this fellow above on the Cliff Walk, hanging around lately in their less colorful Winter plumage. A check in Peterson's makes it definite; Newport is firmly in the "year round" range of the American Goldfinch. I guess I just haven't noticed them before. Not surprising if you look at the above photo - when their yellow's not so bright they tend to blend into the background!

© 2009 by A. Roy Hilbinger


  1. life gives unexpected (pleasant) surprises sometimes! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. ...lovely photo of that sweet little goldfinch. Thank goodness they hang around here. In the dead of winter, their cheery little calls bring life. Happy T-day!

  3. I thought the same thing, Roy. Don't think they are round here now( at least where I'm at )...great pic!

  4. according to the bird books we have them year round, but they must have exhausted my supply of coneflower seeds and moved on to birdseed backyards. Now all I see are sparrows. Talk about drab.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving from the West Coast~~~Holly

  6. Tis a wonderful shot... so much detail!

  7. happy thanksgiving Roy

    We've had goldfinches in the garden since I started putting out niger seed - and they seem to be here all year around.
